FAREX an Old Ad

magazine ads, old advertisements, vintage ads, vintage advertisements, newspaper ads, vintage magazine ads, vintage magazine advertisements, old ads

This Magazine Ad announces babies need solid food with sufficient iron for healthy blood. The Old Advertisement delivers

Is your baby 3 months already?
Doctors say, 3 months onwards, milk alone is not enough. Your baby needs solid food with sufficient iron for healthy blood.
Give him Farex, the only solid food with enough iron.
And only farex lets you increase the proportion of cerealin your baby's diet, to suit his needs.

Here's what Farex gives your growing baby:
* enough iron for healthy blood and vitality
* calcium and vitamin D2 for strong teeth and bones
* easy -to -digest protein to help rapid growth
* enough energy to match his age and changing needs
Your baby's growing need for Farex
your baby's first solid food for all-round growth 3 months onwards.
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About Guna

I mostly write technical aspects and not much into creative writing. For the past decade I worked along with top notch SEO Internet Marketing professionals which naturally lured me into the world of Search Engines. When I am not writing I read from comics to philosophy. Antiques, Fishing, hunting are my passions.


  1. What is the name of the baby model?

  2. I was never paid 4r dis...lol
