The series of very own old and trusted Anacin ad..
"For quick relief take strong and trusted ANACIN
Strong: Anacin relieves pain quickly because it has more of the pain-reliever doctors recommend most the world over.Trusted: Anacin is a combination of medicines like a doctor's trusted prescription. That's why millons of people take as well as recommend Anacin.
Effective for the pain of colds and flu, headache, backache, muscular pain and toothache."
Another Ad

"New jobs often mean tensions... headaches
Strong and trusted Anacin helps you over the bad spots You have got to get things done within a certain time and there are delays beyond your control. That's when tensions build up, giving you a headache.
Anacin gives quick relief to help you face the situation better. That's because Anacin most recommend all over the world. You have had hot words with your boss. Your decision was
overruled and you're left with this splitting headache.

Strong and trusted Anacin gives fast relief from tension headaches. With your headache
gone, you'll be able to think more clearly, work better. There is an important meeting in the
afternoon and you are keen to do well. But you have this awful headache. Don't let a
headache affect your performance. Strong and trusted Anacin not only defeats pain, but lifts
the depression that accompanies pain. Helps you to be cheerful and confident again.
You are included in this formal office party and kneen to make a good impression on the
higher-ups and clients. What a day to get a cold and headache! Take anacin for quick relief.
It gets rid of headaches fast and even cheers you up. Keep Anacin handy and live it up.
strong ANACIN India's most popular pain-rellever"
"For quick relief take strong and trusted ANACIN
Strpmg: Anacin relieves pain quickly because it has more of the pain reliever doctors recommend most the world over.
Trusted: Anacin is a combination of medicines like a doctor's trusted prescription. That's
why millions of people take as well as recommend Anacin.
Effective for the pain of colds and flu, headache, backache, muscular pain and

"""Heavy pressure of work sometimes gives me an intense headache,"" says Vipin Jain, a
Bombay executive.
Headache? Take Anacin for fast relief strong enough for adults-safe enough for children
Anacin is strong-it contains more of the pain-reliever doctors most recommend all over
the world. Anacin is safe-it is a combination of medicines like a doctor's safe
prescription. Take Anacin for headache, colds and flu, backache, toothache and
muscular pain. strong and safe ANACIN India's most popular pain-reliever
Regd. User of TM: Geoffrey Manners & Co., Ltd."

"Vital facts about Colds and Flu and how to fight these ailments
""I find Anacin of great help"" ,says Nurse Angela Fernandes.
Infection : Colds and Flu are caused by airborne viruses infected persons. Normally
your body has the power to resist these viruses. But over-exertion or under-nourishment can weaken your body and lower your resistance.
Symptoms : Heaviness in the head, headache and a running nose are the early symptoms of a cold. Within 18 to 72 hours these may be followed by a thick, yellow nasal discharge. Sweating or shivering generally warns you of flu; fatigue and weakness, aches and pauns all over the body, loss of appetite, drowsiness, headache, and chills may follow. A dry cough or sore throat may also present.
Recovery : Two or three days will usually be enough for you to recover; sometimes recovery may take longer.
Complications : Flu, if not brought under control, can lead to pneumonia and infections of the upper respiratory tract, ears and lungs. Consult your doctor when you have flu or a severe cold.
No Immunity : There is always a possibility of a relapse if you do not take proper care.
Subsequent attacks can, in fact, be more severe.
What you should do
1. If someone in your home already has a severe cold or flu, he should be given complete bed-rest, and isolated as far as possible. His clothes, especially his handkerchiefs and bedding, should be thoroughly disinfected immediately after recovery.
2. Keep rooms properly ventilated.
3. Have antiseptic or salt-water throat gargles at least twice a day.
4. Drink only boiled water. Drink lots of other fluids as well, especially orange juice or
lime juice. Eat nourishing foods. Don't strain yourself. Rest adequately.
Anacin can help you Anacin can relieve the aches and pains of colds and flu and reduce your misery.
Anacin is strong -- it contains more of the pain - reliever doctors most recommend all over the world. Anacin is safe -- it is a combination of medicines like a doctor's safe prescription. So, at the first warning symptoms of a cold or flu, take Anacin with some water 4 times through the day. Strong and safe ANACIN India's largest - selling pain - reliever."
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