what makes an AMCO Battery stand out from the rest?
Every Amco Battery Positive Plate is protected by a hard,super-tough coat of double-action Silver Cobalt. Silver Cobalt protects your Amco Battery three times longer against over-charge failures compared to any other battery.Silver Cobalt also 'locks-in'that trouble
maker-Antimony (which is needed to harden the lead)-on the Positive Plates to give extra ong life to the Negatives. It's no wonder that the AMCO POWER PLUS BATTERY STAYS

20,000 years of combined battery manufacturing experience of the men at AMCO - your GUARANTEE of a superb battery There is an AMCO Power Plus battery for every purpose - to get you off to a fine start, to lift your load with ease and economy, to communicate with the world whenever you want, to travel in comfort and with speed Insist on Amco - Tries and Trusted for nearly 40 years. |

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