This is another ad for the welding rods in the 70's I have no clue on the relevance of the ad and the product..
PRODUCTS: Electrodes for all weldable metals. Are Weldiing flux and wire combination.
Oerlikon - Fon "Low heat metal joining and surfacing" products.Citoarc Range of Welding Transformers. Rocketarc Range of Welding Rectifiers and AC/DC Welders. Motor Generator Welding sets. Diesel Engine Driven Welding Sets. Petrol Engine Driven Welding Machines. Argon Arc Gas Shielded Welding Machines (TIG)
Automatic and Semi Automatic Submerged Arc Welders. CO2 Gas Shielded Welding
Equipment (MIG). Welding Accessories. Electronic Control Equipment.
SERVICES : TECHNICAL SERVICES AND ADVICE on various welding problems, questions connected with welding metallurgy and selection of electrodes and equipment best suited for customers' specific needs. RADIOGRAPHIC INSPECTION of welded joints at site or production shops. TRAINING of customers' staff at the Company's Welding Schools,free issue of Technical and Welder's Bulletins.
REPAIR SERVICE prompt repairs of the equipment sent to the Company for this purpose.
Specialised ship repair service carried out on sea - going vassels company's plant at
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